KidsTown remains closed until further notice

Please note: this is an old news article.

This article was published on 19, October, 2022

KidsTown remains closed until further notice

Please note that due to the flood impacts KidsTown will not be open until further notice.

Once the flood waters recede we will assess damage, clean up and make sure the playground is safe before reopening.

We apologise that all area bookings will have to be cancelled for the rest of October and November. Please be patient as we work though this process.

Once again we sincerely apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for your ongoing co-operation.

Hopefully it's not too long before we can welcome everyone back to play at the facility again.

We are humbled to see the community coming together during this time to support one another and feel for everyone that has been impacted.

All the best,
The KidsTown Team